Client: Grace Kelly Childhood Cancer Trust

Objective: To build corporate awareness and partnerships for Team Ladybird, by sending targeted outbound emails to companies. Engage with companies that might be interested in supporting the charity and forming long-term relationships.

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Our approach centred on precision targeting and personalised messaging. We identified companies that aligned with Team Ladybird’s mission and values, collecting data that suited their target audience well, ensuring that our outreach would resonate with potential partners. The key steps in our strategy included:

  1. Targeted List Building: Compiled a list of companies the right size for the opportunity and a demonstrated interest in charitable activities.
  2. Personalised Email Content: Crafted personalised email content that highlighted the mutual benefits of partnering with Team Ladybird, emphasising the positive impact on both the community and the company’s CSR goals.
  3. Compelling Call-to-Action: Included a clear and compelling call-to-action (CTA) encouraging recipients to click on a link to learn more about becoming a partner.
  4. A/B Testing: Conducted A/B testing on email subject lines and content to optimise open and response rates.


The campaign yielded outstanding results, surpassing industry benchmarks for outbound email marketing. Key performance metrics included:

Open Rate: Our targeted approach resulted in a remarkably high open rate of 65.1%. This indicates that our subject lines and the reputation of Team Ladybird resonated well with the recipients, prompting them to engage with the email content.

Clicks: The compelling CTA and well-crafted email content led to 118 clicks on the partnership link. This high level of engagement demonstrates strong interest from the recipients in learning more about the potential partnership.

Opt-Outs: Maintaining a low opt-out rate of only 3 recipients indicates that our emails were well-received and relevant to the target audience, minimising the risk of alienating potential partners.

Response Rate: The response rate of 2.9% reflects the effectiveness of our email content in prompting action from the recipients. While this might seem modest, it is a strong result in the context of B2B outbound email marketing, especially for initiating partnerships.


Our outbound email marketing campaign for Team Ladybird was a resounding success. The strategic targeting and personalised messaging not only captured the attention of the recipients but also encouraged significant engagement and positive responses. The high open rate, substantial click-throughs, minimal opt-outs, and encouraging response rate collectively highlight the effectiveness of our approach.

By leveraging detailed targeting and crafting tailored messages, we were able to connect with companies that aligned with Team Ladybird’s mission. This campaign not only achieved its immediate objectives but also laid the groundwork for establishing fruitful long-term partnerships for the charity.

Future Recommendations

To build on this success, we recommend:

  1. Follow-Up Campaigns: Implementing follow-up email campaigns to nurture interested companies and convert initial interest into formal partnerships. This could be followed up with a secondary email campaign, calls or by adding into a newsletter stream.
  2. Continuous Engagement: Engaging with respondents through personalised follow-ups and regular updates on Team Ladybird’s initiatives to maintain and deepen relationships.
  3. Expanding Target List: Continuously expanding and updating the target list to include new companies with potential interest in CSR activities.

By maintaining this strategic approach, Team Ladybird can continue to grow its network of corporate partners, thereby enhancing its ability to make a positive impact in the community.

Need help with your outbound marketing?

Are you inspired by our success with Team Ladybird? Do you want to launch a similar campaign to secure partnerships for your charity or organisation? Let us help you achieve outstanding results with our targeted and personalised outbound email marketing strategies.

Contact us today to start your own successful email marketing campaign and make a greater impact together!

Combining sales and marketing is a great way to improve efficiency and effectiveness in your business, driving significant improvements in the integration of your business’ digital identity. While traditionally these functions have operated independently, aligning them can lead to substantial benefits for your business.

In this blog, we’ll explore why combining sales and marketing is a smart move and how it can help you achieve your business goals more effectively.

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Consistent Messaging for sales and marketing

When sales and marketing work together, your business benefits from consistent messaging across all channels. Marketing campaigns are designed to create awareness and interest, while sales teams focus on converting that interest into action. By aligning these efforts, you ensure that your brand voice remains cohesive and your messaging resonates with your target audience. This unified approach helps in building a stronger brand presence, making your business more recognisable and trustworthy.

Enhanced Targeting and Higher Conversion Rates

An integrated strategy allows for more precise targeting and improved customer engagement. Marketing teams can leverage insights from sales to fine-tune their campaigns, ensuring they reach the right audience with the right message. Similarly, sales teams can use marketing data to better understand customer needs and preferences, tailoring their approach accordingly. This synergy leads to higher conversion rates as potential customers receive a consistent and compelling message throughout their journey.

Clear Return on Investment (ROI)

One of the key benefits of aligning sales and marketing is the ability to directly tie marketing efforts to sales outcomes. When both teams work towards common goals, it becomes easier to measure the impact of marketing campaigns on sales performance. This clear connection provides a more accurate return on investment (ROI) for your marketing spend, allowing you to make informed decisions about where to allocate resources for maximum impact.

Leveraging Market Insights and Consumer Data

Joint campaigns enable you to take full advantage of the wealth of data and insights available from both sales and marketing. Marketing teams can create campaigns that are not only creative and engaging but also strategically designed based on sales data and market trends. This ensures that your marketing efforts are not only eye-catching but also highly relevant to your target audience. Sales teams, on the other hand, can benefit from marketing’s understanding of consumer behaviour to tailor their sales pitches and close deals more effectively.

Streamlined Processes and Cost Efficiency

Integrating sales and marketing leads to a more streamlined process, reducing redundancies and improving overall efficiency. With both teams working together, you can eliminate silos and foster better communication and collaboration. This not only saves time but also reduces costs, as resources can be allocated more effectively. By working towards common objectives, your business can achieve more with less, optimising both time and money.

Driving Growth and Innovation

When sales and marketing are aligned, your business is better positioned to drive growth and innovation. Collaborative efforts foster a culture of continuous improvement, where both teams can share insights and ideas to enhance performance. This dynamic environment encourages experimentation and innovation, leading to new strategies and approaches that can propel your business forward.

Integrating sales and marketing is a powerful strategy that can bring numerous benefits to your business. From consistent messaging and enhanced targeting to clear ROI and streamlined processes, the advantages are clear. By aligning these two critical functions, you can create a more efficient, effective, and innovative business that is well-positioned for success. If you haven’t already, consider taking steps to bring your sales and marketing teams together – the results could be transformative for your business.

Managing your online presence can be overwhelming, but we’re here to help. Our comprehensive services across RevGen and BuzzGen covers social media management, website and SEO development, email marketing, and sales call handling. With our expertise, we’ll ensure your social media is engaging, your website is optimised, your email campaigns are impactful, and your calls are professionally managed.

Let us take these tasks off your plate so you can focus on growing your business. Contact us today to learn how our integrated digital marketing solutions can help you achieve your goals and enhance your online presence.

It’s essential to have an understanding of benchmark email statistics, to see how your campaign compares to the average email campaign.

Outbound email campaigns serve as a powerful tool for businesses to reach potential customers, nurture leads, and drive conversions. However, crafting an effective campaign requires more than just a compelling message; it demands insight into industry benchmarks and key performance indicators (KPIs) to gauge success and optimize future efforts.

Here we’ve included the average benchmark email statistics, as well as tips and tricks to improve your campaign going forward.

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Average Benchmark email Statistics

Open Rate

The open rate stands as one of the most critical metrics for assessing the effectiveness of an email campaign. It reflects the percentage of recipients who open the email out of the total number delivered. According to industry benchmarks, the average open rate across all sectors hovers around 20%. Our team aims for between 20-50% per campaign.

Achieving a high open rate is not merely about crafting an attention-grabbing subject line. It also involves understanding your audience, segmenting your email lists, and delivering relevant content tailored to their interests and needs. Personalisation and targeted messaging can significantly impact open rates, driving engagement and fostering a deeper connection with recipients.

To improve your open rate, think about segmenting your audience to make more targeted content and A/B test with different styles of subject lines.

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

While an impressive open rate is undoubtedly a promising start, the ultimate goal of any email campaign is to drive action. This is where the click-through rate (CTR) comes into play. CTR measures the percentage of recipients who clicked on one or more links contained within the email.

The average CTR falls around 2.5%, but this can vary depending on factors such as industry, audience, and content relevance. To optimize CTR, marketers should focus on creating clear and compelling calls-to-action (CTAs), optimising email design for mobile responsiveness, and ensuring that links are prominently displayed and easily clickable.

Use a tool such as Mailchimp to see a heat map or hover map of where the user’s mouse stays the most and include a CTA here. Think about what is enticing- could you include a lead magnet? Make your CTA very obvious, perhaps as a big button or different colour text.

To learn more about lead magnets, check out our blog.

Conversion Rate

At the heart of every email campaign lies the conversion rate – the percentage of recipients who take the desired action, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a webinar, or downloading a resource. Ultimately, conversions serve as the true measure of campaign success, indicating whether the email effectively moved recipients through the marketing funnel.

Benchmark conversion rates vary across industries, but they typically range from 1% to 4%. To boost conversion rates, marketers should focus on crafting persuasive copy, optimising landing pages for seamless user experience, and implementing A/B testing to refine messaging and design elements.

You also need to consider how long it takes your own average customer to convert. If you’re selling a higher ticket item, it may be several series of emails over months before you see results, compared to one abandoned shopping cart email for something around £5.

Other Important benchmark Email Rates To Monitor

To effectively gauge the performance of your campaigns, monitoring a range of key metrics beyond just open and click-through rates will give you the best overview. Here are some crucial benchmark email statistics to keep an eye on:

Bounce Rate

This metric indicates the percentage of emails that were not delivered to recipients’ inboxes due to various reasons, such as invalid email addresses or full mailboxes. High bounce rates can negatively impact your sender reputation and deliverability. Typically, you want your bounce rate to be below 10%.

To avoid your emails bouncing, avoid using spam words such as “free”, all capital letters, excessive exclamation marks and other spam flags. Also, if your email is a new address, make sure you start with a low send rate.

Unsubscribe Rate

The unsubscribe rate measures the percentage of recipients who opt out of receiving further emails from your campaign. While some level of unsubscribes is inevitable, excessively high unsubscribe rates may signal issues with email frequency, relevance, or content quality.

Ideally, you want the unsubscribe rate to be below 1%.

Never buy contact lists and make it clear what your emails will include on your subscribe page. Also, have a clear unsubscribe button. A great way to lower your unsubscribe list can be to include a checklist for the types of emails someone wants to see, so that they’re not receiving every piece you send out. You can also send out emails to people who haven’t opened an email in a while, asking if they’d like to lower the frequency but still hear from you.

Conversion Rate by Source

Tracking conversion rates based on the source of email traffic (e.g., organic, paid, referral) provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of different acquisition channels and helps optimise marketing spend and strategy accordingly.

Engagement by Device

Analysing email engagement across various devices (desktop, mobile, tablet) allows you to optimise email design and layout for different screen sizes, ensuring a seamless user experience and maximising engagement.

Time of Day/Day of Week Performance

Monitoring performance metrics based on the time and day of email sends can reveal optimal send times for your audience, enabling you to schedule future campaigns for maximum impact and visibility.

Think about your audience and align this accordingly. For example, if you’re doing B2B campaigns for workers, you don’t want to send out-of-hours campaigns, nor do you want to send an email just as they’re finishing for the day.

Useful Email Tools for Campaign Optimisation

In today’s digital landscape, a plethora of tools and platforms are available to streamline and enhance your email marketing efforts. Here are some useful tools to consider:

  1. Email Marketing Platforms: Services like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and HubSpot provide comprehensive email marketing solutions, offering features such as email template builders, automation workflows, audience segmentation, and detailed analytics. They can even show you benchmark email statistics for similar emails in your industry.
  2. Email Testing Tools: Tools like Litmus and Email on Acid allow you to preview how your emails will appear across different email clients and devices, ensuring consistent rendering and optimal user experience for all recipients.
  3. Analytics and Tracking Software: Platforms such as Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics enable you to track email campaign performance, monitor website traffic and conversions driven by email, and gain actionable insights to inform future marketing decisions. You can use these to easily compare against benchmark email statisitics
  4. Subject Line Testing Tools: Services like CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer and analyse the effectiveness of email subject lines based on factors such as word choice, length, and emotional appeal, helping you craft compelling subject lines that increase open rates.
  5. List Cleaning Services: Tools like NeverBounce and ZeroBounce help you maintain a clean and up-to-date email list by identifying and removing invalid email addresses, reducing bounce rates, and improving deliverability and sender reputation.

By leveraging these tools and monitoring key email campaign statistics, businesses can refine their strategies, optimise performance, and drive tangible results in their email marketing endeavours.

How Our Marketing Services Can Help

At RevGen, we understand the intricacies of effective email marketing campaigns. Our team of experts combines industry knowledge with cutting-edge strategies to deliver measurable results for your business. From crafting compelling content to optimising email design and analysing campaign performance, we provide comprehensive solutions tailored to your unique goals and objectives.

All of our campaigns use benchmark email statistics to compare to your industry and show how it performs, with regular reportsto update you on your progress.

Whether you’re looking to increase brand awareness, drive website traffic, or boost conversions, our marketing services are designed to maximize your ROI and propel your business forward in today’s competitive landscape.

View our services or get in touch with our team to learn more.

For more email marketing tips, check out our other blogs:

The Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing: How to Start Your Campaigns from Scratch

Using Intent-Based Data to Drive Results: What is Intent Data and How Does It Work?

How to Get Email Sign-ups: A Comprehensive Guide to Lead Magnets

Mastering Lead Generation: Crafting Powerful CTAs for Maximum Impact

Have you ever poured your heart and soul into a marketing campaign, convinced it was going to be a game-changer, only to find it falling short of expectations? It’s a frustrating experience, but one that might be explained by a psychological phenomenon known as confirmation bias.

In this blog, we’ve explained what Confirmation Bias is (with examples!) and how you can use it to your advantage.

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What is Confirmation Bias in Marketing?

Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, and remember information in a way that confirms one’s preconceptions. Essentially, if you believe something, you’ll look for evidence that says you’re right and overlook anything that contradicts this.

Confirmation bias in marketing can lead us to focus solely on evidence that supports our beliefs about what makes a campaign effective, while ignoring contradictory data.

But rather than letting confirmation bias hinder your marketing efforts, why not harness it to your advantage?

Imagine if you could tap into your target audience’s own confirmation bias and use it to shape your advertising strategy. By understanding what your audience already believes to be true, you can craft campaigns that resonate deeply with their existing perceptions and preferences.

Examples of Confirmation Bias in Marketing

Marketing is based around audience beliefs and leveraging these for campaigns. Let’s break it down with a practical example:

Consider the stereotype that French wines are the epitome of elegance and sophistication. Instead of trying to convince consumers that your wine is superior based on taste alone, why not leverage their existing belief in the superiority of French wines? Highlight the rich history and tradition of winemaking in France, the picturesque vineyards, and the romantic allure of French culture. By aligning your campaign with the audience’s confirmation bias, you’re more likely to capture their attention and drive engagement.

The same principle applies across various industries. German car manufacturers, for instance, are often associated with precision engineering and reliability. If you’re marketing a German-made vehicle, emphasise these qualities in your messaging to appeal to consumers’ existing perceptions.

So, how can you use Confirmation Bias in Marketing Effectively?

Start by taking a step back and objectively evaluating the perceptions that exist around your brand or product. What do people already believe to be true? Whether it’s reliability, innovation, luxury, or affordability, identify the core attributes that resonate with your target audience.

Once you’ve identified these key beliefs, incorporate them into your marketing campaigns in a way that reinforces and amplifies them. Whether through storytelling, imagery, or messaging, make sure every aspect of your campaign aligns with the audience’s confirmation bias.

By leveraging confirmation bias in marketing, you can create campaigns that not only capture attention but also resonate deeply with your target audience. So, the next time you’re brainstorming ideas for a new campaign, consider how you can play into what your audience already believes to be true.

If you found these tips helpful, be sure to follow us for more insights and tips to elevate your marketing campaigns. You can subscribe to our newsletter here.

Our team are experts in developing lead generation strategies suited to your audience, so contact us today to discuss how we could help you.

Interested in the psychology behind marketing campaigns? Check out our related blogs below:

Using Intent-Based Data to Drive Results: What is Intent Data and How Does It Work?

The Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing: How to Start Your Campaigns from Scratch

Nailing Cold Email Success: Strategies for Crafting Irresistible Subject Lines

Email marketing is a powerful tool for engaging your audience, whether it’s through inbound strategies such as newsletters or outbound efforts like cold emails.  

Read our guide to learn the best methods for success with email marketing, where we’ll discuss the best strategies, benefits and how you can ensure you’re doing it correctly. 

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Inbound vs Outbound Email Marketing 

Firstly, which should you choose?  

The choice between inbound and outbound emailing can often depend on your business’ stage of development and how established you are with your audience. 

If you’re looking to reach new audiences, outbound marketing is a great way to contact people who haven’t previously been in touch with your brand. If you’d like to convert your existing leads, however, inbound marketing is the way to go. 

So, what classes as inbound and outbound emails? 

Inbound Marketing 

Inbound email marketing involves sending newsletters, updates, or promotional content to subscribers who have willingly opted in to receive communications from your brand. These emails focus on providing value to the recipient, nurturing leads, and building long-term relationships.  

They typically have higher engagement rates as they target an already interested audience. 

You can provide incentives for people to sign-up to your newsletters, such as exclusive discounts or early access, as a way to gain contact information. These are called a lead magnet. Skip to our section on lead magnets to learn more.

Outbound Marketing

Outbound email marketing, on the other hand, is reaching out to individuals or businesses who haven’t necessarily expressed prior interest in your business. Cold emails aim to initiate conversations, generate leads, or promote products/services.  

While they can be effective when done correctly, they run the risk of being perceived as spam if not personalised and targeted appropriately. This is why it’s crucial to develop the right outbound campaign, to avoid damaging your email. 

If you’d like help in creating your own outbound strategy, you can get in touch with our team here. 

Ways to Improve Your Campaign 

When crafting both inbound and outbound emails, several factors should be considered, to help ensure your campaign runs smoothly. 

Audience Segmentation

Tailor your messages based on the preferences, demographics, and behaviour of your audience to ensure relevance and engagement. Ensure you do full marketing research to ensure your message is going to the people that will value your content. We’ve created a full guide on developing a buyer persona to help you get your targeting just right. You can view our guide here

Content Relevance

Provide valuable, useful, and engaging content that resonates with your audience’s interests and needs. You could even talk to your audience on social media to see what content they’d want.


Address recipients by their names and consider incorporating dynamic content or personalised recommendations to enhance engagement. Use merge tags where possible to make your message more personal.


Pay attention to the timing of your emails to maximise open and click-through rates. Experiment with different sending times to determine what works best for your audience. 

Mobile Optimisation

Ensure your emails are mobile-friendly since a significant portion of recipients may access their emails on smartphones or tablets. Don’t use images that’ll fill the whole screen and check your dimensions. 

Lead Magnets: What Are They and How Do You Use Them?

Lead magnets, such as eBooks, whitepapers, or webinars, can give recipients a reason to provide their contact information or engage further with your brand in exchange for your offerings. By providing these valuable resources or exclusive deals in exchange for email sign-ups to attract and nurture leads. 

Typically, your lead magnet will be on your website, social media or advert, driving people towards your email marketing. For example, you may run a paid ad which says that you have an exclusive sale for your subscribers running,

Read our guide on lead magnets to learn more. 

How to Structure Your Email Campaign

Both inbound and outbound emails should follow a clear and concise structure. Here is how we would recommend you lay yours out:


Begin with a compelling subject line and a brief introduction that grabs the recipient’s attention. Your subject line either needs to be intriguing, have a clear call to action or incentive to read. Check out our blog for a deep dive on subject lines.

Your introduction should then set the tone for the rest of the email. Good ways to start an introduction could be a swift summary of what to expect, addressing your audience’s paint points and how you’ll solve it, asking an


Provide the main content of the email, focusing on delivering value, addressing pain points, or offering solutions. Use clear and concise language, and consider breaking up the text with images, bullet points, or subheadings for better readability. 

The body of your email is where you should A/B test the most. Experiment with the length of your emails to see what is the ideal structure for you. Consider whether images are appropriate or whether they’re more likely to damage your response rates.

Call-to-Action (CTA)

Include a clear and actionable CTA that prompts the recipient to take the desired next step, whether it’s visiting a website, making a purchase, or downloading a resource. You always want to provide the next step to continue their customer journey with your brand.

We’ve created a Call-to-Action guide which includes a list of CTAs to refer back to, so be sure to check it out.


Conclude the email with a polite closing statement and any relevant contact information or social media links. Make sure to include a CTA in your final paragraph to help them connect with your brand and know the next steps they should take.

How to get email sign-ups

The easiest way to get email sign-ups is by offering an incentive that aligns with your audience’s interests, such as a free e-book, exclusive discounts, or access to premium content.

Publish this incentive on your website or social media platforms, highlighting the benefits of subscribing. Use eye-catching call-to-action buttons and forms strategically placed throughout your digital channels, making it easy for visitors to sign up. Keep the form fields minimal, requesting only essential information to minimise friction in the sign-up process.

Building trust is paramount in encouraging visitors to share their email addresses. Incorporate trust signals, such as customer testimonials, security badges, and privacy policy links, to reassure potential subscribers about the safety and value of their information. Implementing a double opt-in process can also enhance credibility and weed out inactive or fake email addresses. You could even personalise your sign-up forms to suit your audience.

For a more in-depth guide, check out on email sign-ups guide here.

Email Regulations and Compliance 

Ensure compliance with email marketing regulations, such as the CAN-SPAM Act in the United States or the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union. Obtain explicit consent from recipients before sending marketing emails, provide easy opt-out options, and include accurate sender information and physical addresses in your emails. 

When using a marketing agency, ensure you work with a company who knows the right compliance. You can view our email marketing service here to understand how we work.

Platforms and Sending Methods 

Various email marketing platforms, such as Mailchimp, Constant Contact, or HubSpot, offer tools and features to streamline the email marketing process, including email design, list management, automation, and analytics.

Make sure you choose a platform that aligns with your budget, technical requirements, and scalability needs. For example, think about the daily send rate you want your campaign to have and how well a certain platform can handle this. Also, make sure to research the cost structure of the platform, as some will charge per campaign, per amount of recipients or per account.

At RevGen, our outbound emailing is the same price regardless of the amount of emails you want to send from. Get in touch with our team if you need experts and a platform to help you deliver your campaign.

When sending emails, consider using a combination of inbound and outbound strategies based on your goals, target audience, and resources. Inbound marketing is ideal for nurturing existing leads and building relationships, while outbound strategies can help generate new leads and expand your reach. 

Effective email marketing requires a strategic approach, personalised content, and adherence to best practices and regulations. By understanding your audience, crafting engaging emails, and leveraging the right tools and techniques, you can maximise the impact of your email campaigns and drive meaningful results for your business. 

Our team has years of experience in delivering results for a range of different industries and business sizes. Learn more by looking at our email marketing service or getting in touch with our team.

Imagine having the ability to pinpoint exactly when a prospect is actively seeking a solution like yours and which specific products or services they’re interested in- that’s what intent data shows you. This invaluable insight not only saves precious time but also ensures that your resources are efficiently allocated where they matter most. 

At our agency, we specialise in leveraging advanced data solutions to empower marketing and sales leaders with precisely this kind of knowledge. Through sophisticated tools and methodologies, we decode the digital footprints left by potential buyers, revealing their intentions and preferences in real-time. Our approach is not only effective but also ethically grounded, ensuring that privacy and transparency remain paramount. 

Read through this blog to learn more about what intent data is and how it aids your campaigns. 

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Understanding Intent Data 

Intent data comes in various forms, each offering unique insights into buyer behaviour. The two primary categories are first-party and third-party intent data. 

First-party Intent Data 

This type of data is information you’ve collected directly from your audience or existing customers. It encompasses a wide range of sources, including website interactions, CRM data, subscription campaigns, and even offline surveys. 

Third-party Intent Data 

On the other hand, third-party intent data provides a broader perspective by using insights from external sources. These may include behavioural data from publishers, bid stream data from real-time bidding processes, or proprietary networks of websites and apps. 

Differentiating Our Data Solutions 

What sets our agency apart is our partnership with leading-edge providers, which us to incorporate this intent data with our own sources, providing you the most advanced data set.  

By tapping into their vast network, we gain access to exclusive insights derived from a diverse array of sources. What’s more, their commitment to privacy and compliance ensures that our data is not just powerful but also ethical. 

With our tailored solutions, clients can seamlessly integrate intent data into their existing workflows, enabling enhanced targeting precision across your lead generation campaigns. Whether you’re a sales-driven organisation seeking revenue acceleration or a marketing team focused on awareness, our data-driven approach caters to diverse objectives and roles. 

Ready to Elevate Your Strategy? 

Whether you’re a sales professional eager to identify high-potential leads or a marketing strategist seeking to optimise campaign performance, our intent data solutions offer a competitive edge. Read our guide to see more of the benefits of outsourcing your lead generation.

Get in touch with our friendly sales consultants today to discover how we can customize a data-driven solution tailored to your unique business needs. 

Unlock the power of intent data and transform your approach to marketing and sales with our agency’s expertise and cutting-edge solutions. Together, let’s harness the insights hidden within buyer intent and propel your business towards unprecedented success. 

To learn more about our lead generation services, visit our page.

Interested in the psychology behind marketing campaigns? Check out our related blogs below:

Leveraging Confirmation Bias in Marketing: A Strategic Approach

The Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing: How to Start Your Campaigns from Scratch

Nailing Cold Email Success: Strategies for Crafting Irresistible Subject Lines

Regardless of the development of social media, outbound marketing remains a vital tool for businesses aiming to expand their reach and generate leads.  

While inbound marketing focuses on attracting prospects through content creation and engagement, outbound marketing involves reaching out to potential customers directly.  

In this blog, we’ll delve into three popular outbound marketing methods: cold emailing, telemarketing, and LinkedIn messages. We’ll also explore how to choose the right method for your business. 

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What is Outbound Marketing? 

Outbound marketing, in contrast to inbound strategies, involves proactively reaching out to potential customers rather than waiting for them to come to you. It uses a variety of traditional advertising and promotional techniques, such as cold calling, direct mail, email blasts, and paid advertising.  

The goal of outbound marketing is to create brand awareness, generate leads, and drive sales by pushing messages out to a wide audience. Outbound marketing can be highly effective when targeted properly and integrated strategically into a comprehensive marketing plan. 

It’s crucial to approach outbound marketing with sensitivity to consumer preferences and regulatory guidelines to ensure ethical and respectful communication with prospects.  

Reach out to our team to make sure your outbound marketing methods use the right practices to protect your company and get the best results. Contact our team. 

Understanding Outbound Marketing Methods 

Cold Emailing: 

Cold emailing involves sending unsolicited emails to potential customers or leads. Despite its name, successful cold emailing is anything but cold; it requires thoughtful research and personalized messaging to capture the recipient’s attention. Here’s how to get started: 

To improve your email sign-up rate, you need to develop your lead magnets and provide incentive to your audience. Read our guide on lead magnets here.


Telemarketing involves reaching out to prospects via phone calls. When executed properly, telemarketing can be an effective way to engage with potential customers. Here’s how to approach it: 

When running outbound calling/telemarketing campaigns, you need to ensure that you’re doing so with compliance. To understand the Telephone Preference Service (TPS) and how it affects these campaigns, read our latest guide.

LinkedIn Messages: 

LinkedIn messages offer a professional platform for reaching out to potential customers or partners within a business context. Here’s how to leverage LinkedIn effectively: 

Choosing the Right Method 

When deciding which outbound marketing method to prioritise, consider factors such as: 

Cold emailing, despite its reputation, can be an effective outbound marketing method when used strategically. It allows you to reach a large audience quickly and cost-effectively, making it ideal for businesses looking to generate leads or promote new products/services. Cold emails can be personalized based on recipient data, enabling you to tailor your message to address specific pain points or interests. 

Additionally, email automation tools make it easier to manage and track campaigns, allowing for efficient follow-up and optimization based on recipient engagement metrics. Telemarketing, on the other hand, offers a more direct and personal approach to engaging with prospects. It allows for real-time interaction, enabling you to address objections, answer questions, and build rapport with potential customers. 

Telemarketing is particularly effective for businesses in industries where phone communication is prevalent or for high-value products/services that require a more consultative sales approach. LinkedIn messages are well-suited for businesses looking to establish professional connections and build relationships within a B2B context. 

LinkedIn’s platform provides access to a network of professionals and decision-makers, making it an ideal channel for lead generation and networking. LinkedIn messages offer a less intrusive alternative to cold calling or emailing, allowing you to initiate conversations in a professional and contextually relevant manner. With LinkedIn’s built-in features, such as profile viewing and mutual connections, provide valuable insights that can be leveraged to personalise your outreach and increase response rates. 

In conclusion, outbound marketing, when executed strategically and respectfully, can be a valuable complement to your overall marketing strategy. Whether you choose cold emailing, telemarketing, LinkedIn messages, or a combination of these methods, remember to prioritise personalisation, value delivery, and ethical practices to maximize your success. With careful planning and ongoing refinement, you can leverage outbound marketing to generate leads, nurture relationships, and drive business growth. 

We’ve recently been discussing intent-based marketing and how it can help ensure your leads are ready to buy when you contact them. To learn more about intent-based marketing, read our latest blog. Otherwise, check out our ultimate lead generation strategy for 2024.

Get in touch with our team and we can help you choose the right outbound marketing strategies for your business. Contact us today.

Lead magnets are a powerful strategy used to capture an audience’s attention and direct your target customer to input data, as well as generate sign-ups for email marketing. By using a lead magnet, you can offer value while also keeping the customer journey going. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore the concept of lead magnets, their significance in the digital landscape, and dive into various examples, including webinars, ebooks, white papers, free trials, and more. 

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What is a Lead Magnet? 

A lead magnet is a valuable and enticing offer presented by a business to potential customers in exchange for their contact information. These are usually seen as a lead form on an advert, or by filling in a form on a webpage to gain a resource in return. 

The primary goal of a lead magnet is to attract and convert visitors into leads, allowing businesses to nurture relationships, build trust, and eventually guide prospects through the sales funnel.  

Examples of Lead Magnets: 


Webinars are live or pre-recorded online events that provide valuable information, often in the form of presentations, discussions, or workshops. Attendees typically need to register with their email addresses, making webinars an excellent lead magnet. By offering insightful content, businesses can showcase expertise and establish themselves as authorities in their industry. 

Example: A software company hosting a webinar on the latest industry trends and demonstrating how their product addresses key challenges. The company can then send-up emails about their products to the attendees. 


Ebooks are downloadable electronic books that provide in-depth information on a specific topic. They are an excellent lead magnet because they offer comprehensive insights and can be easily consumed by the audience. 

Example: A marketing agency offering a free ebook titled “The Ultimate Guide to Social Media Success,” providing tips and strategies for effective social media marketing. 

White Papers: 

White papers are detailed reports or guides that address complex issues, often presenting solutions and insights based on research. They are valuable lead magnets for B2B companies looking to attract a more professional and research-oriented audience. 

Example: A technology company publishing a white paper on “The Future of Artificial Intelligence in Business,” showcasing their expertise in the field. 

Free Trials: 

Offering a limited-time free trial of a product or service is an effective lead magnet, allowing potential customers to experience the value firsthand. This strategy is particularly popular in software and subscription-based industries.  

Often, you’ll see people use a card barrier here where you’ll need to input payment details before accessing the trail. This allows the service to continue past the limited window. 

Example: A cloud-based project management tool providing a 14-day free trial, encouraging users to explore its features before making a purchase. 

Checklists and Templates: 

Checklists and templates simplify complex processes for the audience. Businesses can offer these as lead magnets to help their target audience streamline tasks and achieve specific goals. 

These are great if you are an expert or can offer advice in your field and can include calls to action for booking consultancy calls after to further explore the information. 

Example: A finance consultancy providing a downloadable budgeting template to help individuals manage their finances effectively. 

Quizzes and Assessments: 

Interactive quizzes and assessments are engaging lead magnets that provide personalised insights to participants. Users willingly provide their contact information to receive customised results, making this a fun and effective way to capture leads. 

These are especially great if you want to find out your audience’s interests or preferences on certain things, as you can then offer tailored marketing in the future.

Example: A fitness app offering a “Health and Wellness Quiz” where participants answer questions about their lifestyle, and in return, they receive personalized workout and nutrition recommendations via email. 

Exclusive Discounts and Promotions: 

Providing exclusive discounts or promotions is a classic yet powerful lead magnet strategy. Businesses encourage visitors to subscribe or provide their contact details in exchange for special deals, fostering a sense of exclusivity and urgency. 

Example: An online fashion retailer offering a 15% discount on the first purchase for customers who sign up for their newsletter, creating an immediate incentive for conversion. 

The Importance of Lead Magnets:

In the competitive landscape of digital marketing, the strategic use of lead magnets can significantly impact a business’s success.

Whether through webinars, ebooks, white papers, free trials, or other creative offerings, lead magnets play a crucial role in building a loyal customer base and driving conversions. By understanding the needs and preferences of their audience, businesses can craft compelling lead magnets that not only attract but also engage and convert prospects into long-term customers. 

For more helping in crafting your own lead magnet (and selecting the best choice for your brand), talk to our team.

Useful email guides

Crafting Powerful CTAs

Creating Irresistible Subject Lines

In the fast-evolving landscape of lead generation, mastering an effective strategy is essential for success in 2024. Today, we want to share our comprehensive guide for a “Lead Generation Strategy for 2024,” offering insights to keep you ahead in this dynamic environment.

For a unique and custom lead generation strategy, get in touch with our team.

Table of Contents

Precision in Personalised Outreach for Enhanced Lead Generation

At the core of our strategy lies the art of personalised outbound communications, a crucial element in optimising your lead generation strategy for 2024.

Whether through telemarketing, cold emails, or LinkedIn messaging, it’s essential to tailor your outreach to meet the unique needs and preferences of your target audience. Develop your understanding of your audience by looking at insights into their pain points and values and use this to inspire the content you create.

This personalised approach not only amplifies customer engagement but also significantly elevates the likelihood of converting leads into loyal customers.

Crafting Compelling Cold Emails: A Pillar of an Effective Lead Generation strategy for 2024

Cold emails continue to play a pivotal role in our lead generation strategy for 2024.

Craft compelling and personalised email messages that directly address their challenges, offering bespoke solutions. Make sure your calls to action align with your brand, and choose your email subject lines carefully, picking phrases that are personal and evoke interest.

A thoughtfully curated and targeted cold email campaign can help cut through the spam emails and capture the attention of potential leads, so pick your CTAs and subject lines carefully. We often post different, effective phrases to use for your emails on our social media, so be sure to follow our pages.

LinkedIn Messaging: A Paradigm Shift in 2024 Lead Generation

In 2024, LinkedIn messaging has transformed into a reservoir of opportunity for effective lead generation.

Linkedin is no longer just about connections; it is about fostering relationships. Engage your target audience through meticulously personalised messages that reflect a genuine interest in their professional challenges. A strategic and personalised LinkedIn messaging approach can help you develop cold connections into invaluable leads.

Telemarketing: Unleashing the Power Beyond Scripts for Optimised Lead Generation in 2024

Telemarketing, unlike some believe, still remains a highly-effective strategy in 2024.

To really succeed, however, you need to break free from conventional scripts. Leverage data-driven insights to understand the pain points of your prospects, delivering a personalised message that resonates profoundly. At RevGen, our telemarketing efforts are always led by experts specific to your field and never following a generic script.

In conclusion, a combination of personalisation and research will help you develop the ultimate lead generation strategy for 2024. As we seamlessly integrate the technological advancements of this era, outbound strategies will continue to evolve to match the technology available to us. Read our guide on outbound marketing methods to decide which is the right strategy for you.

Explore these strategies and collaborate with RevGen to enhance your outreach and elevate your success in the competitive landscape of 2024. Our experts will guide you to use the most suitable strategy for your business and help you every step of the way.

Crafting an Irresistible Call to Action (CTA) is a pivotal aspect of successful email campaigns, acting as the catalyst for effective lead generation.  

Whether you’re sending out newsletters, promotional emails, or personalized messages, a well-crafted CTA can significantly enhance your email campaign’s performance.  

In this guide, we will delve into the specific nuances of creating compelling CTAs tailored for email marketing. 

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Segmentation for Personalisation:  

Segment your subscribers so you can create more tailored content, giving specific CTAs to each.  

For example, you can separate your audience based on levels of interest and cater to this by sending a soft CTA to learn more or a more direct CTA for warmer leads. This can be perfect if your email campaign has several routes, such as a different copy for whether someone has clicked a link in the previous email or not.  

Make sure you understand the diverse needs and preferences of your subscribers. Personalisation not only enhances the relevance of your CTAs, but also the connection with your target market, increasing the likelihood of engagement. 

Create a Clear Call To Action:

Eliminate any ambiguity in your CTA. Clearly articulate the action you want subscribers to take. Use concise language that leaves no room for confusion, ensuring your audience understands the specific steps to follow. Try to keep your CTA no longer than 5 words, to avoid a drop in engagement. 

Create Urgency With Your Call to Action:

Leverage the immediacy of emails by incorporating a sense of urgency. Utilise phrases such as “limited-time offer,” “exclusive deal ends soon,” or “act now” to convey time sensitivity. An urgency-driven CTA in emails can prompt quicker and more keen responses if people know your offer may not last. 

Value Emphasis in Limited Space:  

Given the limited space in emails, highlight the value proposition succinctly. Clearly communicate the benefits subscribers will gain by clicking on the CTA. Ensure the perceived value aligns with your audience’s interests and pain points. 

Visual Appeal in Email Design:  

The visual presentation of your CTA matters in emails. Make your CTA visually striking by using contrasting colours that align with your brand. Make your CTA stand out as much as possible by making it bold compared to the body of the text, or even put it in a box/button.  

Optimise the size and placement of the CTA button to ensure it stands out within the email layout, ideally placing one at the top if your text is long, to avoid people’s interest tailing off. 

A/B Testing for Email Optimization:  

Employ A/B testing with different CTA variations in your email campaigns. Tools like Mailchimp will allow you to send out two separate drafts to each half of your selected audience, allowing you to see what performs better.  

Test variations in copy, colours, and design to identify the most effective elements for your audience. Continuously refine your approach based on real-time insights. 

Action-Prompting Verbs in Email Copy:  

Infuse your email copy with powerful, actionable verbs. Encourage subscribers to “Grab Your Discount,” “Claim Your Free Trial,” or “Unlock Exclusive Content.” Make it clear what you want your audience to do and what they will receive, rather than using a phrase such as “Learn More”, which could cause them to get lose interest looking through your site. 

These verbs create a sense of movement, motivating subscribers to take immediate action. 

Responsive Design for Mobile Users:  

Given the prevalence of mobile email consumption, ensure your CTAs are optimised for mobile devices. This is especially important if your CTA is in a button or shape, as opposed to regular text. 

Use responsive design to maintain the visual appeal and functionality of your CTAs across various screen sizes. 

Follow-Up Sequences for Reinforcement:  

Reinforce your CTAs through follow-up email sequences. Remind subscribers about the benefits of taking the desired action and address any potential concerns. Consistent messaging increases the chances of conversion. 

Metrics Analysis for Continuous Improvement:  

Regularly analyse email campaign metrics, focusing on CTA click-through rates and conversion rates. Use these insights to refine your future email campaigns, aligning your CTAs with the evolving preferences and behaviours of your audience. 

Heat maps can be a perfect tool here to see where your subscriber’s mouse hovers most, indicating where your CTAs should be. 

In conclusion, an effective CTA in email campaigns is a strategic combination of personalized messaging, clear communication, urgency, value emphasis, visual appeal, testing, action-centric language, mobile optimization, follow-up, and data-driven refinement. Elevate your email marketing endeavours by crafting CTAs that not only capture attention but also drive meaningful engagement and lead generation. 

Useful email guides

Creating Irresistible Subject Lines

How to Get Email Sign-Ups: A Guide to Lead Magnets

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